Sunday, February 1, 2009

BOOK 12: Sons of Destiny

After Darren was told by Steve that Darius is also Darren's nephew, Darren couldn't kill him. He was later taking back Darius to his house and reveal his live self to Annie, his sister. Darren also told Annie that Darius was blooded by Steve as a vampaneze and he would kill the person he feeds from. Annie was told about the life and history of Darren. Darren blooded Darius so he can't kill as a Vampaneze and becomes a vampire instead. Darren, Alice Burgess, and Vancha would have to prepare for a break in at the stadium to save their friends and the Cirque performers. Darren and Vancha, as the prophecy goes, tailed Gannen Harst and Steve from the stadium and were ready for a final battle.The battle is brief. Vancha first fights both Gannen and Steve using only his hands. He then is wounded by Gannen, making him incapable to fight. Gannen was knocked out cold by R.V. shortly afterwards. R.V. was killed by Steve after that moment, leaving Darren and Steve to worry about each other only. As Darren predicted, he must face Steve alone. Darren fights Steve Leopard, who almost kills Darren. However, he sits on top of Darren after wounding him, gloating and boasting about his victory while stabbing him twice in the stomach. The exhausted Darren gets a burst of energy and is able to sneak in a fatal blow as Steve gloats, ending the drawn out battle. As Steve lays dying, however, Darren learns that Desmond Tiny has been responsible for the majority of his life's events. Tiny reveals that the two are half-brothers, and he their father. He has manipulated their lives in attempt bring about the end of humanity and vampires. The winner, regardless of who it may have been, is destined to destroy humanity which is the lord of the shadows. Desperate to avoid such a fate, Darren allows Steve to kill him before Steve dies, leaving both dead, and Tiny's prophecy unfulfilled. Darren emerges from death, finding himself in the Lake of Souls. Plagued by memories of the past, he begins to resign himself to an eternity of misery. At the last second, Evanna arrives, pulling him from the lake. With the help of his sister, Darren is transformed, traveling back through time. As a Little Person he prevents his younger self from seeing the confrontation between Steve and Mr Crepsley. Shortly thereafter, he visits Mr. Tall, giving him his diary. He asks him to send it to his untainted, current self, in hopes that he will publish it to the world (As today). As the story ends Darren dies, becoming a half-vampire,ready to see Crepsley again, his soul joining the universe.

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